Today I would like to introduce my business, Therapeutic and Relaxation Massage. It is my business and I have 2, sometimes 3 part-time staff and we offer treatment options from 30mins to half day retreats. Between the 3 of us you can chose from relaxation massage, including Swedish massage which is the nice nurturing massage that you receive when you go to a beauticians. I love this type of massage. I find that my "all sorts massage" technique still holds some of the great Swedish massage techniques such as the figure 8 to the lower back, that everyone receives when they come for a treatment.
My tertiary training is in sports science with a particular interest in sports medicine and functional anatomy, so my initial foray into massage was through sports training with an emphasis on treating sports injuries and injury rehabilitation, so Therapeutic/Remedial Massage is where most of my client base comes from. After more than a thousand bodies have been on my massage table, I have now developed proven techniques for treating sciatica, pinched nerves, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, tennis elbow, lower back pain and migraine.
5 years ago on Norfolk we were lucky enough to have a Shiatsu teacher living on the island who ran an introductory Shiatsu course. The benefits of Shiatsu are really profound. When I started the first week of the 10 week course, I had difficulty bending my right knee following collateral ligament damage in 1998. By the end of the first session, I could sit back on my heels (albeit not very comfortably!) and by the end of the 10 weeks I could sit comfortably on my heels for a reasonable amount of time. In giving Shiatsu, it is necessary to sit back on your heels and I can still do this.
The Shiatsu course happen to coincide with a particularly stressful time for my family. My nephew was born 11 weeks premi. I was stressed for my twin sister, dizzy almost to the point of fainting. I found the Shiatsu course very grounding. It got me out of my head and much less stressed. Something about the movements to the hands and feet. I highly recommend Shiatsu for anyone who suffers depression or anxiety.
2 of my part-timers have completed massage courses with the Brandon Raynor School of Therapeutic Massage. The Raynor technique is a deep tissue technique with some very effective movements. For more information on this technique, try googling Brandon Raynor Massage and his dedicated site will give you lots of information. When I'm in the particularly busy time of the year I have a weekly Raynor massage from George and it gets rid of all the built up tension and soreness from doing too much.
My other part-timer, Lorraine, does Chinese Acupressure, but she also does beautiful relaxation massage as well. Chinese Acupressure works on improving the overall wellness and Chi of the body, by opening up the energy flow around the body and promoting the healing response of the body. Like Shiatsu it works with the meridians of the body that are the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Lorraine is also an amazing Tai Chi instructor and watching her metamorphisis (hope that's correct spelling) into a sagelike being at the front of the Tai Chi class is something to behold and I find her awe-inspiring at this point. It's like she's been born to it. Maybe a past life thing.
Last year, I made a point of doing some more training and came home from a few weeks of intensive workshops with new skills under my belt. Chinese cupping being one. I have yet to find anything like cupping that can immediately remove RSI type impingements. Cups to the back of the shoulder that release sore points in the chest. Nothing else that I have experienced can make soft squishy ITB's like cupping can. And its so interesting to perform cupping and see what happens!